Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Redding Fruitcake

As if the public schools don't have enough problems to contend with, along comes Merry Hyatt, a fruitcake who currently resides in northern California.
Miss Fruitcake refuses to accept the idea of separation of church and state. Instead, she wants to ram down our throats her religious values. She would be the first to rightfully protest if we dared to inculcate our religious values on her.
The nerve of this modern day Salem Witch to state that children of other religions should go to other rooms if they don't want to participate in Christmas activities in their classroom. Who the hell is she to impose segregation on other children?
Miss Fruitcake-Hyatt, school is for the inclusion of all children, NOT the exclusion which you are advocating. Don't you realize the hurt you would cause children of other religions to be subjected to? Where are your brains? Apparently, they're where you sit.
You are nothing more than a frustrated spinster, afraid of life, who has gone into your own little world. You refuse to respect other people's culture and want yours to dominate instead. Every principal you ever worked for probably couldn't wait to unload you.
You ought to consider moving to Mars as soon as possible.

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