Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Way to Go

This 2008 presidential election may very well produce Vice Presidential nominees who are better qualified than their respective candidates at the top of the ticket.
The tickets of both Truman-Barkley in 1948, and Clinton-Gore in '92 and '96 both proved that geographic balancing of the ticket may no longer be the thing to do.
Let's see how it all plays out in November.

Fiscal Irresponsibility

Everyone is praising N.Y. Gov. Paterson for his fiscal responsibility. If our governor is as sincere as he claims to be, he would immediately impose a freeze on both commercial and apartment rents.
Everyone was woefully quiet when the Rent Guidelines Board approved the increases this past June. These increases were excessive.
Remember when President Nixon imposed his wage and price freeze in 1971? Mr. Nixon also froze rents. None of our current crop of politicians will do this as they're in the pockets of the real estate industry. Shame.