Monday, October 20, 2008

Mayor Bloomberg-A 3rd Term for What?

It is only because Mayor Bloomberg is so vehemently anti-union that the media is advocating a 3rd term for him. As the title suggests, a 3rd term for what?
Despite what the Mayor and Chancellor Klein say about our schools, conditions have never been worse. Discipline has all but collapsed in far too many schools. While this has been going on for more than 40 years, our current Mayor refuses to do anything about it. Why will the 600 school concept not be returned for the unruly? This is a disgrace. What the mayor can be faulted for is his refusal to do anything about class size and the current 1,400 teachers who were excessed from their respective schools. These people should have been placed before new teachers were hired. You call this good management, I call it incompetence.
Under this Mayor, landlords have never had it better. Look at the recent increases for rent stabilized apartments. Since economic times are so bad, why aren't there being rent freezes put into place?