Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Devil at 6 O'Clock

Gov. Paterson gets the joke award of the year. He is ready to cut education funding, but at the same time wants to keep schools open until 6P.M. each day. Who is going to spend the extra time with students? Too many are already literally bouncing off the walls by the end of each school day.
Don't teachers have personal lives? They have enough work to take home with them. We don't need the extra baby-sitting. When are parents expected to see their children? Between grade and school-wide conferences and other performances of duty, when do you expect teachers to come home each night? Do you want the younger children out in the cold, dark streets at winter-time? This January is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
As a life-long Democrat, I shall most probably not be voting for Gov. Paterson. Eliot Spitzer, who showed immorality in his personal life, showed poor judgment when he chose you for a running mate.

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