Friday, June 5, 2009

Hush, Hush Sweet Opposition

I thought we lived in a democracy.
Mayor Bloomberg pushes people out of the mayoral race as they can't compete with his money and President Obama, Sen. Schumer and Gov. Paterson all exert pressure on others not to challenge Sen. Gillibrand in a primary. This is a monumental disgrace.
Our new senator gives a new meaning to flip-flopping on issues. In order to buy herself an election, she now is an advocate for gun control. This Annie Oakley has been the darling of the NRA. I believe she has compiled a 100% voting record with them on gun issues.

Disappointment Drive

As a long-time Democrat, I'm disappointed with President Obama's speech. I guess that you bomb buses and kill at will and carry on long enough, you get what you want. The Palestinian idea of peace is the total annihilation of the Jewish state of Israel-nothing else. Infact, they would like to see all the Jewish people killed. May they who wish this go first. Amen.
In 1948 when partition became effective, Israel offered an olive branch to their neighbors. The latter chose war instead.
These Palestinians have lived in absolute filth and have been exploited by their leaders. Instead, they blame the Jewish people for their woes.
How can we accept these "animals" when their textbooks for children advocate violence against the Jews? This was not discussed in the president's speech. Their texts as well as their total philosophy regarding Jewish people must be reexamined.
A Palestinian state? These so called people are not ready for such a novelty. They have to prove by positive actions that they're ready. The truth is that they'll never be ready, certainly not in our lifetime.

Yearly Shakedown of Tenants

By the end of the month, tenants in rent stabilized apartments whose leases are expiring will learn how much more they will have to pay in rent as they renew their leases for 1 or 2 years.
Of course, Mayor Bloomberg will come up with his ultimate line: The raises are fair if both landlords and tenants are complaining. What an answer from such an insensitive person. How much longer will the mayor be allowed to appoint a majority of people who favor landlord interests to the board? How stupid we are to allow this to go on and on. Our mayor needs to be defeated for a 3rd term in Novemeber. Another 4 years of him and the city will be ready to float in the toilet.
During this economic downturn, the mayor made money. How come he didn't have the city invest in what he did? If I were to ask him this, I guess he would say that I'm a disgrace. It's a disgrace that this man has had 2 terms as mayor and is on the verge of being elected again.

Hey, Hey Randi W

Hey, hey Randi Weingarten, what goodies have you given up today?
In 1977 Marsha Mason was the goodbye girl and in 2009 Randi W. is the give-away-girl.
That photograph where you're embracing mayoral control is outrageous. Ms. Weingarten, are you related to Benedict Arnold? How fortunate you are to have a membership that is gullible enough to keep voting you and unity caucus in each election. No other city union would be dumb enough to do this.
How about endorsing a proposal for you and your unity cronies following term limits? It's really time for a change.
Will you be endorsing Mayor Bloomberg for a 3rd horrible term or will you give Comptroller Thompson a tepid endorsement?
Randi darling, 4 more years of Mayor Mike is 4 more years of Joel Klein.
So, what deal have you cooked up with the mayor and Joel (Clarabelle) Klein?
Schools opened in July and August without air-conditioning and or proper ventilation? How about you, Mulgrew and the rest of the Unity Cast going into our SURR schools and doing such teaching. For the double pensions that you have rewarded yourselves, you can do some teaching. See the joys of teaching disruptive children. Why haven't you demanded for starters that teachers be paid more every time their class registers go over the maximum account? That would start the city thinking. How about suggesting the return of the 600 school concept for unruly pupils? Why should you? You don't have to deal with children whose agenda is that no one learns while they're around.
By the way, since reading and math scores have so greatly improved, there is no longer a need for a longer day and longer year. How come we learned from 9-3, Sept.-June?
Instead of mayoral control, we need a committee of retired teachers and supervisors running the schools. These people know what's going on, not those who never taught one day or who knew how to get out of the classroom as soon as possible.