Sunday, August 31, 2008

To Be Right Wing and Mishuga

Remember how we all worried that Sen. Obama would not be the best choice for our beloved eretz Yisroel? Isn't Sen. McCain supposed to be a firm supporter of eretz Yisroel? Did you know that Gov. Sarah Palin supported Pat Buchanan, the worst of anti-Semites, for president in 2000?
This Baked Alaska plays well to the far-right wackos. Hopefully, that's about it. Besides talking to these right-wing fanatical sickos, it will be Hush...Hush, Sour Sarah throughout the campaign.

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's Double Standard

Yes, I agreed when Sen. McCain criticized Sen. Obama for lack of experience. Now, McCain wastes the criticism by turning around and nominating soccer mom Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice president. He must be kidding to do this.
She is under investigation for firing her brother-in-law, a state-trooper, who was going through a messy divorce with Palin's sister.
The choice of Gov. Palin has to be up there with the horrible choices of Sprio Agnew and Dan Quayle respectively for vice president.
Any woman voting for McCain because Hillary Clinton is not on the Democratic ticket should have their head examined. Hillary's views are about 100% contrary to Gov. Palin.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Karl Rove Does It Again- The Bigoted Stinker that he is

I'm not surprised. It has been reported that Karl Rove telephoned Sen. Joseph Lieberman and asked him to remove his name from consideration for being John McCain's V.P. choice.
Mr. Rove, you're nothing more than a bigot. Infact, you look just like a bigot. You probably belong in 1930s Germany.
By choosing Sen. Lieberman as his running mate, Sen. McCain would show that he is an open person. Naturally, he will probably name some safe choice, especially one who is anti-abortion.
What would the south do regarding Obama and Lieberman? A black person and a Jewish person might be too much for the bigots down there to swallow. Imagine a Biden-Lieberman debate? That would be absolutely fascinating. Unfortunately, it will not happen. If it did, we would all see that the bottom of the tickets are far superior to the people at the top. Dream on Mr. Greenspan. That's why I'm still and will always be so green.

Memory Lapses When Convenient

So, John McCain doesn't know how many homes he has and Mayor Bloomberg can't remember how he voted regarding term limits. Hope they're not getting into the Margaret Thatcher category.
You can be rest assured that the mayor voted for term limits. In this way, he could make it to City Hall even faster.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lady Sings the Blues

Should Barack Obama lose in November, I don't want to hear Democrats blaming Hillary Clinton for his loss. Sen. Clinton has gone out of her way to be most conciliatory following her loss.
It is now up to Sen. Obama to give specifics as he attempts to become our nation's 44th president. Will the Obama-Biden ticket succeed? Only time shall tell.

Mexican Shiva

I cannot believe that a film has been made dealing with a Mexican Jewish family trying to observe Shiva. Shiva is the solemn procedure observed by Jewish people following the death of parents, brothers, sisters and children. This should not be made into a movie. Enough is enough already.

Let's Make it Harder

Yes, let's make it harder for New York City teachers find parking. Mayor Bloomberg, how about your staffers forfeiting their placards? They could also take the subway. What do you want? I know you want teachers to come late so that it will be easier next June to rate them unsatisfactory.
Where is Ms. Weingarten in the matter? Instead of arguing with the mayor, she takes her usual conciliatory 3rd grade-like tone. What else are you giving up Randi? How much more can teachers take? They're treated like dirt.

Testing 5 Year Olds

The brilliance of Joel Klein, N.Y.C. school's chancellor, never fails to amaze me. That is, his complete ignorance of educational matters. This is a great one. Klein and our mayor are adamant about testing 5 year olds. Why not test them while they're in mother's womb? Unfortunately, many of them are wild there already. Let kids be kids. Imagine, they'll give up finger-painting to prep for the exam.
Mr. Klein, after you leave the chancellor's position, please teacher in one of our many surr schools. You taught for 6 months in a Queens intermediate school prior to fleeing from the system.

The Animal Farm

100 varied animals in the back of the private house. Congratulations to the neighbor who called police. These animals would be welcomed at 1237 Ave. Z in Brooklyn. Here is where everything goes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Randi in Denver

Of course, the darling of the Liberal establishment, Randi Weingarten, is at the Democratic convention. Interesting that while she spoke, the media chose not to cover her. Someone should tell Ms. Randi that she is due back in N.Y. on Thursday as is her teachers. Remember, she made sure to get the teachers back in August so that she should be further subjected to more boring meetings. Of course, Randi must have given her optimistic cheering voice in its usual 3rd grade tone.
Has the UFT ever allowed significant discussion to take place before an endorsement is made?Instead, they shove their selection down the throats of the membership. Snow would fall in August and there would be cures for both AIDS and cancer before Randi would endorse McCain. Instead, she will go for the same nonsense that helped elect liberals who destroyed the school citizen.
A pleasure that failed President Jimmy Carter did not speak. Commentators were pointing out that he was kept quiet for fear of further alienating Jewish voters. This turns out not to be the case since Carter didn't speak in 2000.
I must say that the speech of Senator Kennedy was inspiring. Michelle Obama did help her husband by her discourse. Nancy Pelosi is a complete dud.

Mrs. Thatcher Losing Her Marbles

Sorry to hear that Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher has dementia. It must be pretty bad if she doesn't realize that her husband died 5 years ago.
Of course, many in England realized that the Iron Lady was off her rocker when she tried to cancel health insurance for the British citizenry when she was in office. No wonder she was so close to President Reagan. We know what he thought of health insurance provided that he was protected all the way.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Where Are the Parents?

A 14 year old steals the keys to the car and takes a joy ride with other youngsters, the youngest being 8. The car crashes, three children are hospitalized. Can't the parents control their children? I am surprised that the UFT doesn't get blamed for this.
When our parents will fulfill their responsibilities as parents, then we will have youngsters who shall become productive members of society. Until then, wayward youth and our BLACKBOARD JUNGLE will continue.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


You have to be kidding. Am sure that Gen. Powell doesn't want to run with Sen. McCain. As we realize, Colin Powell became quite disillusioned with President Bush's policies. This came out after he was no longer Secretary of State.
As I have previously stated, Sen. McCain needs to select Doris Day as his running mate. Some of McCain's ideas belong back in the 1950s or they should be hidden. As we are aware, Ms. Day has been in hiding for over 25 years. She would certainly add some color to the McCain campaign: At campaign stops she could belt out: LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME, I'LL NEVER STOP LOVING YOU, STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE BROTHER, and of course QUE SERA, SERA. -Whatever will be, will be.

Friday Hooky in Public Schools

Wow! The Daily News discovered this. This has been going on for over 40+ years. There are many things that this paper and others are completely unaware of. How about when the girls put vaseline on during class? Do you know what that means? It means that there will be a big fight after school.
As for the absenteeism on Friday: Too bad that the constantly disruptive children aren't absent each day. When they are absent, so much more can be accomplished.

Why Not?

Why isn't Israel permitted to sit on the Security Council in the U.N.?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Don't Go Against the Will of the People

We have voted for term limits twice. Let's keep it that way. Thank you for your service Mayor Bloomberg. Please exit on January 1, 2010 gracefully.
As for Gov. Paterson, just because you're afraid that Mayor Bloomberg will run against you in 2010, that doesn't mean that you now support the possibility of over-turning the term limit rule so that his honor can run again. We know very well that if Mayor Bloomberg runs for a 3rd term, his money will carry him in in a landslide. 8/23/08 11:40P.M.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Machamuvitz (Angel of Death)

Deepest sympathy to the family of the 5 year old killed by a malfunctioning elevator in his Williamsburg apartment building. What a tragedy, that on their way to school, 2 brothers would meet up with such a terrible thing which caused the death of the younger child.
Those elevators had been out of service constantly. Tenants reported this to the Buildings Department. Nothing gets done in this town whether it's them, the sanitation, Con Edison, etc.
Now, of course, there will be an investigation. It reminds me that every time after a plane crash, the supposed Transportation Safety Board steps in to investigate. Nothing really ever happens.
My heart goes out to the family of the youngster. Due to orthodox law, the burial had to take place quickly. Will members of the family be visited by Administration officials as they observe shiva? Probably not.

Windmills Out of Your Mind

Mayor Bloomberg now wants to put windmills by the city bridges. What for? Windmills out of your mind.
We have so many other urgent problems in this city. This is all that he can think of right now? Ridiculous!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Asbestos in NYC schools-What else is new?

In the mid 1990s the opening of schools was delayed for 1 week after summer holiday due to the asbestos threat. Miraculously, the threat ended and all schools re-opened after a week.
For 19 of my 32 years in the system, I taught at IS 320 in Brooklyn on McKeever Place. The building was filled with asbestos. The District Superintendent refused to close the building. Staff and students were there as workers removed the asbestos. As our wonderful students jumped to the top of the ceiling, this garbage came down. Is it any wonder that IS 320, now P.S. 375, has had a very huge number of faculty deaths from cancer. In addition, other colleagues have had bouts with the dreaded disease.
Nothing is being done. Everything is kept quiet. This administration and others should be ashamed of themselves. There is still plenty of asbestos in city schools and everyone knows it. Do something!

Those 100 College Presidents

What have these guys been smoking? They suggest that the drinking age be lowered? What kind of morons are these? It's bad enough that in N.Y.C. we have a school's chancellor who fled teaching after 6 months, but for college heads to advocate this? No wonder, and rightfully so is MADD so outraged.
These 100 guys need an immediate sabbatical or booted yet, they need to be expelled.

Monday, August 18, 2008

That Missouri Broad

Score one for Sen. Claire McCaskill. (D-Mo) She has been trying to make the talk circuit in her quest to be put on the Obama ticket.
She now criticizes Sen. McCain for not exactly backing President Bush in the Russia-Georgia crisis. In other words, now is the time for all good men to come to aid of their party is her motto.
Wonder what fellow Missourian Harry Truman is thinking about this up in heaven? He realizes that America has come a long way if a major political party is about to nominate a black person for the presidency. Didn't Mr. Truman even use the n word to describe black people? We all know how anti-Semitic his mother-in-law was. Business partner, Eddie Jacobs, was not allowed over to the house as he was Jewish.
Sen. McCaskill for Vice President? Not really. What would she add to the ticket? Well, speaking about swing states, Missouri certainly leads the pack in that one. In 1952 it followed the lead of most of the states by voting for Dwight Eisenhower. Surprisingly, 4 years later, it was the only Eisenhower state to desert him and vote for Stevenson. (Kentucky and West Virginia had gone for Stevenson in '52 but swung over to Ike in 1956.) Is it time to reward Missouri with Claire on the ticket? Obviously, this is ridiculous reasoning, but a woman on the ticket might cool off the Hillary supporters, those who still can't get over that she will not be the Democratic nominee. Is it time to honor the memory of Harry Truman by putting another Missouri person on the ticket?
Now, for Sen. McCain. He would be so perfect for the 1950s. Some of his ideas need to be hidden. I know. John McCain should consider Doris Day for the Vice Presidency as she is a woman and she has been in hiding for over 20 years now. On the campaign, we could still have her belt out Love Me or Leave Me, I'll Never Stop Loving You, Once I Had A Secret Love and certainly Que Sera Sera! What will be will be. The future's not ours to see. How could I forget-Stay on the Right Side of the Road? That would bring the house down and have Ruth Etting turning over in the grave!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Undecided

After reviewing the Saturday night forum between Senators Obama and McCain, this voter is more confused than ever regarding who to vote for. I shall need much more time via the debates before I make a final determination. Sen. Obama is too courteous and comes off quite kindly. Sen. McCain is gruff with his immediate answers. I wish he would stop referring to everyone as my friends. We're not his friends. Sen. McCain sounds as if he is still at the OK Corral ready for that final shoot out.

Mr. Olmert, Go On Retirement, Now

The Knesset has voted 16-4 to release 200 Palestinian prisoners as a gesture of good will to the head Palestinian animal Abbas. You can throw up from this. They are probably allowing killers to be released who will only inflict more harm on eretz Yisroel. What have the Palestinians done as good will for Israel? These Palestinians only want the total destruction of Israel. Am Yisroel Chai!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Did You Know?

How many people are aware of the fact that Randi Weingarten receives a double pension? Does that now become 3 pensions as she has been elected president of the AFT? What a joke. How many people in the union hierarchy receive double pensions? Teachers don't receive double pensions.
How many people are aware that when Rudy Crew left the chancellor's position, he was supposedly given extra time so as to qualify for a New York City pension? Would a teacher ever be granted extra time? Crew and others have horse like pensions, far more than pedagogues who taught for 30+ years. This should all be investigated. Supposedly, Dr. Crew was to do consultant work in order to get in the extra time. People where he was supposed to report to claimed that they never saw him. Big-time rip off.
Police, fire and sanitation workers rightfully receive VSF money added to their pensions. The UFT never bothered to fight for this for the membership. Where have they been? Why is this allowed to go on? If teachers were given this money they're entitled to, their pensions would rise to at least $12,000 per annum. It's a disgrace that the union leadership has not fought for this.
Instead of working for the membership, Ms. Weingarten ran to put Mayor Bloomberg's coat on and sat comfortably next to him at the World Series. Right after that came the horrendous 2005 give-backs.
What will Ms. Randi give up next? Health benefits for retirees? Teachers having to ask permission to use the bathroom? Forfeiture of summer vacation?School year ending June 30th? No more sabbaticals? 40+ in a class? Teachers given no warning of pending u-ratings? Schools opened on High Holy Days? No more grievances whatsoever? Reduction or elimination of prep time in junior and senior high schools? Elimination of the February vacation? Elimination of tenure? Increase tenure to 10 years for probationary teachers? Return to 35 years of service and at least be of age 65 to retire?

Setting It Straight

Thanks to the constant venom of the New York City editorial boards, the public is allowed to think that teachers get paid for the summer. This is NOT true. Teachers are paid for 10 months and the pay is spread out for the remaining 2 months. As always, the city does very well by this arrangement. As a result of this, they are able to hold on to the interest.
Everyone can't wait to jump on the backs of teachers. Too bad that the UFT has become such a weak union that this is allowed to go on and on. New leadership is needed regarding the UFT leadership. Randi Weingarten's Unity Caucus has been in power for over 40 years now. It's time for a change. When Ms. Weingarten finally leaves the UFT presidentcy to devote her efforts at the AFT, there has to be a new direction. Thanks to the 2005 contract teachers gave up far too many hard fought gains.

Obama, the anti-Christ, Oy Vey

Sen. McCain, your ads that infer that Sen. Obama is the anti-Christ are absolutely ludicrous. Stop it. Nice to see you posting Charlton Heston parting the sea in "The Ten Commandments." Don't use my favorite film to secure votes for someone who may not be my favorite candidate. What a terrible election this is turning into. Both candidates leave a lot to be desired. Bring back Al Gore. He'd get my vote in about a minute.
Am really beginning to think that the Vice Presidential candidates will be superior to those at the top of their respective tickets. For all of us who live in New York City, let's see if Mayor Bloomberg endorses someone. As soon as he does, we will know to vote for the other guy.

Charitable Phone Calls

While we can all appreciate the fine work done by charities, the following has to stop. You get solicitation phone calls from them asking you to donate. They ask you to donate a certain sum or they will say how much they want. If you tell them that you will donate providing you get the written information in the mail, they go on and on and repeat themselves. One doesn't want to be rude but one is going to hang up the phone.
How about these charities that call you and don't answer when you pick up. You hear noise in the background. They are calling to see when you're at home so they can call again. This is absolutely absurd.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Attention to John Gambling

How fortunate you are that your father and grandfather came before you. Your entire philosophy is that the problem with the school system is the unions. Why don't you leave the comfort of your air-conditioned office and start teaching in one of our many surr schools? You NEVER went to a New York City public school. It's so easy for you to criticize from the outside.
Am sure that you work under a contract. Still so stingy? Even though I haven't listened to you since 1992, I vividly remember you stating that you didn't have cable for your children. I guess that you're pinching pennies. It must be hard for you to be on a fixed income. Ha! Ha!

Mice on the Subways

Mice jumping on the subway platform. They ought to be made to pay the fare like the rest of us suckers. Imagine, even the mice can't take the subway conditions and are trying to come out. The filth is unbelievable. Let's clean the subways.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thank You Deputy Mayor

It was music to my ears this evening to hear Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheeky state that Mayor Bloomberg will not run for a third term by trying to turn around the term limits law. Thank you. That's the best news I've heard in ages. The people want term limits and I'm glad that Mayor Bloomberg will respect our wishes.
Yes, Mr. Bloomberg is a brilliant person who lacks compassion for the common man. How can he want to give away so much money and yet take the attitude that he does regarding unions? How can he be so involved in health issues especially at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and yet his employees pay their own health insurance?

To All of You Holocaust Deniers Out there

If the Holocaust never occurred, will all you deniers please answer the following question: Where is the Lilienfeld Family of Austria? When the Anschluss took place in March of 1938, they fled to Poland and obviously were never heard from again. Doctors, lawyers and teachers made up this family. They were all wiped out.
And yet some bastards out there claim that the holocaust never occurred. Do you have such a guilty conscience that your way of dealing with this dreadful horror is to deny its very existence? Shame on you.

Let's Hear It for Curtis Sliwa

Finally, something I can agree with regarding what Mr. Sliwa says. He claims that we need more vocational schools. Right on Mr. Sliwa. You correctly stated on channel 1 that not everyone of our youth is academically oriented. You hit in on the head. Thank you.
Now, if you would only stop blaming the UFT for the ills of the school system. When you say the Union of Failed Teachers, I cringe. Teachers don't tell students to misbehave. Our schools are in the shape they're in because of a complete lack of discipline. No one wants to understand this. It's so easy instead to blame the teacher for everything.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Russia and General Sherman

Where are our so called Human Rights Activists as Russia obliterates Georgia? Seems like we're way back in the civil war times when Gen. Sherman marched through Georgia, U.S.A.
If Israel ever did this, the Human Rights Group and other liberals would be screaming bloody murder. G-d forbid, if this happened to our beloved eretz Yisroel, the Human Rights Group would be silent.

Monday, August 11, 2008

You're Nothing But Human Garbage

To the father who put on that Oscar calibrated performance when his daughter was arrested for shooting a cab driver. Mr., what was your poor imitation of an excuse of a daughter doing with such other brats late at night to begin with? We always hear how wonderful these miseries are. As a retired New York City teacher, I was able to predict which children would wind up like this.
Mr., a cab driver is now blind because of the actions of your daughter. The Babylonians had the right idea...An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. They shoot horses, don't they?
Your daughter and the other recalcitrants deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law for what they did to this poor man. I can just imagine what your daughter was like in school. Teachers who had to suffer with her were probably threatened with unsatisfactory ratings for either not motivating or being unable to control her outrageous behavior. If only we could see her school record.
You'll probably get one of these outrageous liberal lawyer who will claim that your daughter was a victim of circumstances. We will hear the liberal line that she was culturally deprived, socially maladjusted, emotionally disturbed, etc. We know that she didn't mean to do it. The gun just kept going off as it did with Ann Blyth in 1945's "Mildred Pierce."
Why are these brats brought into the world? They are perfect examples for the need for abortion. Look what she did. Any remorse shown by her is as phony as they come. May she and her cohorts rot in hell.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

That Queens Supervisor

To the Queens supervisor who is already spoiling the summer vacation of her department members: Miss, please remember that the summer vacation ends on Aug. 28th for teachers. It's bad enough that teachers have to report before Labor Day, don't make it worse.
In addition, if you are putting out lesson plan calendars and other nonsensical items, will you be giving demonstration lessons this year to the most difficult students?
As a supervisor, what are you doing to improve discipline in the school so that teachers can teach?
How long did you teach before you fled to the world of supervision? It's so easy to criticize from outside the classroom. Anyone can do that.
Will you try to make it easier for your department members or will you continue to create a climate of fear by intimidation? The latter is not conducive for good education to take place.
Did you teach the subject that you are supervising? Did you teach long enough to acquire tenure? Did you become a supervisor because you're talented or because you knew someone?
Try to have a good year by being pleasant to the staff. Lady, teaching is an extremely difficult job. You and others make it worse by your constant harassment of staff.

Lead By Example

To the Certain Queens Supervisor who is harassing her department before school begins: If you are setting forth lesson plan deadlines and other information, it is imperative that you give demonstration lessons to the most difficult classes this year.
How long did you actually teach before you fled to the world of supervision? It is so easy to criticize from afar.
As a supervisor, what are you doing to improve the discipline in the building so that teachers can actually teach?
I hope that you actually taught the subject that you are supervising. No one can fairly evaluate anyone if they haven't taught that particular subject. Could we supervise a brain surgeon?
Let us remember that we have a presidential election this fall. Are you planning on bringing in voting machines to show the students how democracy works?
I hope that you have a good year and actually do creative things other than harass teachers.

A Lesson for Miss Bloomberg

Since the mayor's daughter is so eager to maintain mayoral control over the schools, I recommend that she start teaching in one of our many surr schools. Since she probably lacks the appropriate credentials to teach, this can be remedied by obtaining a waiver in the same way that Chancellor Klein did in or to head this deteriorating system.
Before Miss Bloomberg or any other person can talk about the schools, it is imperative that they teach in a difficult setting under the conditions that Chancellor Klein and the mayor are advocating.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Normy and Eric- Hopelessly Liberal

Norman Siegel and Eric Adams are just hopelessly liberal.
If the police were forced to handcuff a 10 year old girl on a schoolbus, that child must have really been carrying on. By acting out, the child posed a danger to herself, to others on the bus as well as the driver. What would have happened if because of her misbehavior, the driver had met up with an accident. The liberals would be blaming the driver.
The child was acting up because she was most probably continuing misbehavior from a day in school. When are we going to discipline children? We should sue her parents for endangering everyone on the bus.

Congratulations to Our President

I have much more respect now for standing up to China while visiting that country. He chastised them for human rights violations against their own people. We need more people to do this. This is what should have been done in the 1930s when the scum Hitler began to rave and rant against the Jewish people.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Klein and Bloomy Keep Dreaming!

Chancellor Klein and Mayor Bloomberg live in a dreamworld in New York City. Both gentlemen are beaming with pride as they talk about the fact that violent crime has gone down in our public schools. While this may be very true, we are not getting the full story and here is why:
Both men conveniently don't mention about non-violent crime. We have far too many disruptive students in our classes. Why? The parent(s) will not sign for a special education evaluation. Therefore, the child is allowed to continue disrupting classes.
Not all the brats attending city schools are violent. We have children out there who constantly disrupt classes by talking, screaming, throwing objects, running around the halls and classrooms to make it virtually impossible for the teacher to conduct a class.
Gentlemen, why are you so hesitant in bringing back the 600 school concept for unruly children?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Savage is Acting Like One

As a retired New York City teacher, I take exception to what radio host Michael Savage said about autistic children. Mr. Savage, autism is a disease and those afflicted with it are handicapped. To compare them to brats is insensitive and outrageous.
If you want to see brats in action, I cordially invite you and others, especially from the editorial boards of newspapers, to visit New York City classrooms during the current school years. Bring your cameras and let the film roll. Watch for the disrespect, cursing, and violent acts. Watch some of our "children'" in action as they routinely run through the halls while creating general mayhem. I guarantee that you would have a whole new perspective on education and brats. Don't blame autistic children.

2 Less Votes for McCain

Sen. John McCain will be receiving 2 less votes this November. Anne Armstrong and that wealthy Republican lady from Rhode Island died today. So the Republicans lost two of their stalwart broads.