Monday, August 18, 2008

That Missouri Broad

Score one for Sen. Claire McCaskill. (D-Mo) She has been trying to make the talk circuit in her quest to be put on the Obama ticket.
She now criticizes Sen. McCain for not exactly backing President Bush in the Russia-Georgia crisis. In other words, now is the time for all good men to come to aid of their party is her motto.
Wonder what fellow Missourian Harry Truman is thinking about this up in heaven? He realizes that America has come a long way if a major political party is about to nominate a black person for the presidency. Didn't Mr. Truman even use the n word to describe black people? We all know how anti-Semitic his mother-in-law was. Business partner, Eddie Jacobs, was not allowed over to the house as he was Jewish.
Sen. McCaskill for Vice President? Not really. What would she add to the ticket? Well, speaking about swing states, Missouri certainly leads the pack in that one. In 1952 it followed the lead of most of the states by voting for Dwight Eisenhower. Surprisingly, 4 years later, it was the only Eisenhower state to desert him and vote for Stevenson. (Kentucky and West Virginia had gone for Stevenson in '52 but swung over to Ike in 1956.) Is it time to reward Missouri with Claire on the ticket? Obviously, this is ridiculous reasoning, but a woman on the ticket might cool off the Hillary supporters, those who still can't get over that she will not be the Democratic nominee. Is it time to honor the memory of Harry Truman by putting another Missouri person on the ticket?
Now, for Sen. McCain. He would be so perfect for the 1950s. Some of his ideas need to be hidden. I know. John McCain should consider Doris Day for the Vice Presidency as she is a woman and she has been in hiding for over 20 years now. On the campaign, we could still have her belt out Love Me or Leave Me, I'll Never Stop Loving You, Once I Had A Secret Love and certainly Que Sera Sera! What will be will be. The future's not ours to see. How could I forget-Stay on the Right Side of the Road? That would bring the house down and have Ruth Etting turning over in the grave!