Saturday, December 6, 2008

Calls by Caroline

Everyone rightfully jumped on Sarah Palin for not being experienced. We have some terrific people in N.Y. to replace Sen. Clinton. Personally, I'm hoping that Tom Suozzi gets the nod. I was very impressed with him when he challenged Eliot Spitzer for governor. What a mistake we made! Now, Gov. Paterson can rectify that error.
Caroline, it's true that you come from a political family. Just because your Uncle John was president and Uncles Bob and Ted served in the senate does not make you automatic senate material. I know that you worked hard in the election of Barack Obama to the presidency. I hope there isn't going to be some sort of political payback for this. If this does occur, the republicans will be jumping up and down. Remember your history- the corrupt bargain of John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay so that the former could gain the presidency in1824. Let's not have a similar situation now.

Secretary of Education

Instead of putting in some hack, President-elect Obama would be better served by having committees of retired supervisors and teachers running the Department of Education. Retirees in this field know the score. They know what the children and teachers need to make a school successful. Don't put in a person who never taught a day in his or her life.