Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A New Thought for Education

I knew a doctor who almost didn't become one because of the foreign language requirement that he had to face. This physician was brilliant and a terrific doctor as well. Had he not been able to practice medicine, the profession would have really suffered. Dr. Max was my doctor for many years. When he told me the story, I was shocked. Of course, having excelled in foreign languages in high school and college, I found this hard to fathom.
My weakness was in chemistry. To put it mildly folks, I was a chemical retardant. The teacher that I had for chemistry at Erasmus Hall High School was a nightmare for me. She spoke way above my head and I knew little of what she was talking about. Instead of having some compassion for me, she went after yours truly and others who were weak in her discipline. This is what she accomplished. I walked out of chemistry despising her as well as the subject. Luckily, I had a more normal person the following term and in college I had the chemistry instructor of my dreams. He brought the material down to my level.
This is what is basically wrong with education in this country. You can be ruined by being weak in one particular subject. This is wrong. I wound up teaching English and social studies for 32 years prior to my 2001 retirement. Of course, there are people out there who shall answer me by saying that you need to have a well-rounded education. Nonsense! Not everyone is excellent in all subjects. I proved that so many years ago.
The horrible teacher I had won all kinds of accolades at Columbia University for excellence in teaching chemistry. What excellence? Lord only knows the damage she did to others as well as the potential careers she may have ruined.

The Horrible Lady

How do you like that horrible woman who ripped off the system by adopting 11 children and abusing them? What a stiff this is! How could this poor imitation of a human being be allowed to adopt 11 children? Wasn't the CAS watching over these children? Why weren't there periodic visits? The judge was more than justified to give her a stiff sentence. This hag should be caged in the same way that she caged a handicapped child.
Will the Civil Liberties Union come to her defense? This woman needs a whipping.

Charley and Rent Stabilization

While I have always been a proponent of rent control and rent stabilization, what Rep. Charles Rangel has pulled is absolutely ridiculous. For one, how could he use one apartment as a commercial establishment? Doesn't that violate rent rules? I knew a dentist who had an office in a rent controlled building and that apartment was not covered under rent control. This is correct.
By having these apartments, Rep. Rangel was denying other people the right to secure them at the rent stabilization level. This is most unfair. I understand that Rep. Rangel will be facing an ethics probe. Glad to hear that he is giving up the commercial establishment or campaign office.
Mr. Rangel, it may very well be time to join Joe Bruno, an arch foe of rent control and rent stabilization, in retirement.

Let's Zing it to the Teacher

As weak as the UFT has become, we realize its importance when we read the article about the teacher being banished to the rubber room for reporting his principal for not providing appropriate educational services for special education children.
For reporting this, this principal, an apparent poor imitation of a human being, went after the teacher. If all this is true, what will be done to the principal? Rubber room for her? No! She ought to be shown the door.
Was this principal from the infamous Principals' Academy? What a joke that is. I heard of one principal from that institution of lower learning that walks around with their handbook in a similar manner to the late Chairman Mao Tse-Tung of China.
We need principals and assistants who actually taught. Anyone else knows absolutely nothing.

Our NYC Mayor, A Sociologist is Born

Well, our mayor in New York City is doing research on the poverty problem here. How nice. Has he now become a sociologist?
Let him look to his pals known as the real estate group in this city. They virtually have a stranglehold over tenants. Thanks to these greedy landlords, they are helping to push middle class people out. New York is fast becoming a city for upper or lower class people. The squeeze is on middle class New Yorkers.
During the last increase by the Rent Guidelines Board, the mayor was woefully quiet as tenants got walloped with a 4 1/2 and 8 1/2 percentage increases for renewals on 1-2 year leases respectively. Look what the landlords pushed through. If your lease is expiring and you've lived in your apartment for more than 6 years, the increase is automatically $45.00 or $85.00 depending upon how long you sign for your lease renewal. What a rip-off! How much more can tenants take? It is way past the time for New Yorkers to become members of The United Tenants Party!
Tenants should be made aware that they are entitled to a free paint job every 3 years. This applies to rent controlled tenants as well as rent stabilized people. The landlords are getting away with murder. Too many of our senior citizens are not up to painting their apartments. Others, have to work to pay for the rent and don't have the time to pay. When was the last time that your hallways were painted? When were the fire escapes done? There are rules about this that are routinely forgotten or just ignored.