Thursday, September 24, 2009

March of the Animals

Just before The Day of Atonement, an animal group from Kansas is coming to Brooklyn to march against the Jewish people. We can only pray that they will drop dead before Yontif. Amen.
What do they want from us? They belong in Germany of the 1930s. We will not take your nonsense.
Could you imagine if anyone ever demonstrated near their house of worship?
These animals are lower than pigs.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Run Off Day After Day of Atonement-How Stupid Can We Get?

The run-off for Comptroller and Public Advocate has been scheduled for the day after the Day of Atonement. How stupid can we get to schedule this a day after a major Jewish holiday? They should have waited until Thursday, Oct. 1.
Where are the absentee ballots for the run-off?

Mike & the Republicans-The Joke Continues

Mayor Bloomberg didn't even know that there are Republicans running for Public Advocate and Comptroller. He lives in a millionaire's dream world. When his biography is made into a motion picture, it should be entitled "All About Mike."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Here He Goes Again

Chancellor Klein is barking again about firing excessed teachers after 9-12 months. Sir, these people did not create their current situation. You did, you moron. You look just like Clarabelle from Howdy-Doody of yesteryear.
Mr. Klein, why do you need so many spokespeople? You can articulate quite well for yourself. Why don't you go after the failed administrators sitting at Tweed all day?
You don't need a Ph.D to realize that you can use the excessed teachers to lower class size.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President Obama on Discipline

Hats off to President Obama for telling children to behave themselves in school as well as not answering the teacher back. This needs to be said. Now, what's going to happen to those recalcitrants who refuse to behave themselves? We must tighten up our disciplinary procedures. Too many children are getting away with a lot.
Other than telling teachers that all children can learn, what is the system doing about chronically disruptive children? We need the return of the 600 school in N.Y.C. for unruly youngsters. We did away with the 600 schools years ago and we're still paying a price for it in N.Y.C. schools.

Monday, September 7, 2009

For Whom the Bell Tolls

It tolls for the teachers and students in the N.Y.C. school system. Another year of fun and games. Everyone pretends on Wednesday how happy they are. By Friday, the discipline problems come out and begin their never ending attack in the classroom.
We don't see the restoration of the 600 school concept for the unruly. Hence, we have schools in this city that are an absolute nightmare. Children, and I use the term loosely, run amok through the halls-screaming, fighting, yelling, cursing, setting bulletin boards on fire, throwing stink bombs under the doors. It's a close encounter of the worst kind.
Congratulations and best wishes to all N.Y.C. teachers who retired this past July 1. You are entering the best phase of your life. It can't get better than this.
Watch how Klein & Co. show up on Wednesday, the 1st day of school. He'd never know what good teaching is since he spent just 6 months in the classroom before fleeing the classroom.
To all those who begin their careers and to the veterans: Have a great year. Take care. ...And remember, June must come!

Shame of Our Schools-Excessed Teachers

As we approach the start of the new school year, what the city is doing in terms of its excessed teachers is a disgrace. How can the UFT continue to go along with this?
Excess teachers lost their positions when schools suffered a decrease in children attending, or when the school was shut down. These excellent teachers gave many years of service to the New York City school system. They received their yearly satisfactory ratings.
Our beloved chancellor has taken to criticizing the excessed teachers. He claims that they're not looking hard enough for positions. Let him attend job fairs to view for himself that there are few positions available.
The situation is made worse by the 2005 contract. In that loony agreement, the UFT gave up the right for senior excessed teachers to "bump" people with less seniority. This is ridiculous. How do you agree to something like that. These teachers were paying union dues and this is how their union treats them?
Excessed teachers did not get master's degrees to be relegated to substitute status. The Department of Education should be using them so as to lower class registers. Instead, our chancellor says they're lazy in not looking for a job, are incompetent, or are u-rated teachers. This is not true on all accounts.
This is a terrible situation which needs remediation at once.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hell at Hillcrest H.S.

Question: What will be done with the ramapaging students at Hillcrest H.S.? Answer: Nothing. Given the liberal attitude of today's so called education leaders.
Apparently, mayoral control means nothing when renegade students are allowed to totally disrupt the education of others. Has Mayor Bloomberg and his dummy Joel Klein attempted to bring back the 600 school concept for the unruly? Of course not, we don't want to offend our disruptive brats and their noisy parents.
As always, tax payers will be made to foot the bill for all damages incurred during the insurrection. How about the important education time that was lost for regents preparation?
Imagine the nerve of that idiotic teacher to say that the administration over-reacted by calling in the police. This teacher should be dismissed immediately. With an attitude like that, no wonder our schools are in the condition they're in.
Are the brats responsible for this being denied the right to attend graduation with their peers? If they were accepted into a college, has the college been notified of their activities so that they can rescind their acceptances? Of course not. We'll say that these incorrigibles were just letting off steam.
Why is the Mayor and Charlie McCarthy silent on this matter? Why? It doesn't matter who is in charge when nothing gets done.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hush, Hush Sweet Opposition

I thought we lived in a democracy.
Mayor Bloomberg pushes people out of the mayoral race as they can't compete with his money and President Obama, Sen. Schumer and Gov. Paterson all exert pressure on others not to challenge Sen. Gillibrand in a primary. This is a monumental disgrace.
Our new senator gives a new meaning to flip-flopping on issues. In order to buy herself an election, she now is an advocate for gun control. This Annie Oakley has been the darling of the NRA. I believe she has compiled a 100% voting record with them on gun issues.

Disappointment Drive

As a long-time Democrat, I'm disappointed with President Obama's speech. I guess that you bomb buses and kill at will and carry on long enough, you get what you want. The Palestinian idea of peace is the total annihilation of the Jewish state of Israel-nothing else. Infact, they would like to see all the Jewish people killed. May they who wish this go first. Amen.
In 1948 when partition became effective, Israel offered an olive branch to their neighbors. The latter chose war instead.
These Palestinians have lived in absolute filth and have been exploited by their leaders. Instead, they blame the Jewish people for their woes.
How can we accept these "animals" when their textbooks for children advocate violence against the Jews? This was not discussed in the president's speech. Their texts as well as their total philosophy regarding Jewish people must be reexamined.
A Palestinian state? These so called people are not ready for such a novelty. They have to prove by positive actions that they're ready. The truth is that they'll never be ready, certainly not in our lifetime.

Yearly Shakedown of Tenants

By the end of the month, tenants in rent stabilized apartments whose leases are expiring will learn how much more they will have to pay in rent as they renew their leases for 1 or 2 years.
Of course, Mayor Bloomberg will come up with his ultimate line: The raises are fair if both landlords and tenants are complaining. What an answer from such an insensitive person. How much longer will the mayor be allowed to appoint a majority of people who favor landlord interests to the board? How stupid we are to allow this to go on and on. Our mayor needs to be defeated for a 3rd term in Novemeber. Another 4 years of him and the city will be ready to float in the toilet.
During this economic downturn, the mayor made money. How come he didn't have the city invest in what he did? If I were to ask him this, I guess he would say that I'm a disgrace. It's a disgrace that this man has had 2 terms as mayor and is on the verge of being elected again.

Hey, Hey Randi W

Hey, hey Randi Weingarten, what goodies have you given up today?
In 1977 Marsha Mason was the goodbye girl and in 2009 Randi W. is the give-away-girl.
That photograph where you're embracing mayoral control is outrageous. Ms. Weingarten, are you related to Benedict Arnold? How fortunate you are to have a membership that is gullible enough to keep voting you and unity caucus in each election. No other city union would be dumb enough to do this.
How about endorsing a proposal for you and your unity cronies following term limits? It's really time for a change.
Will you be endorsing Mayor Bloomberg for a 3rd horrible term or will you give Comptroller Thompson a tepid endorsement?
Randi darling, 4 more years of Mayor Mike is 4 more years of Joel Klein.
So, what deal have you cooked up with the mayor and Joel (Clarabelle) Klein?
Schools opened in July and August without air-conditioning and or proper ventilation? How about you, Mulgrew and the rest of the Unity Cast going into our SURR schools and doing such teaching. For the double pensions that you have rewarded yourselves, you can do some teaching. See the joys of teaching disruptive children. Why haven't you demanded for starters that teachers be paid more every time their class registers go over the maximum account? That would start the city thinking. How about suggesting the return of the 600 school concept for unruly pupils? Why should you? You don't have to deal with children whose agenda is that no one learns while they're around.
By the way, since reading and math scores have so greatly improved, there is no longer a need for a longer day and longer year. How come we learned from 9-3, Sept.-June?
Instead of mayoral control, we need a committee of retired teachers and supervisors running the schools. These people know what's going on, not those who never taught one day or who knew how to get out of the classroom as soon as possible.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Double Standard Galore

Are deputy mayors facing the ax? How about borough presidents? They should have gone the way of the Board of Estimate.
Let's keep dumping on teachers. Let's keep giving up everything in contracts. What's next? Working a 15 hour day?
We're the only union who gave up so much and we get a good kick in the rear end for doing this. Is this the best that the UFT can really do? What kind of leadership have we allowed ourselves to be subjected to?
Let's amend the UFT constitution. All elected officials must have first taught for a minimum of 10 years. Too many UFT officials either never taught at all, or briefly taught. You need to be in the trenches to know what is going on.

Oy, Randi- When Will You Ever Learn?

No surprise whatsoever that Mayor Bloomberg is threatening to fire 15,000 NYC teachers. Our union had no business to give up what they did in 2005 in order to get a couple of bucks more. The city viewed this as weakness and now they're really going after the UFT with a vengeance.
When thousands of pedagogues were laid off in 1975, most never returned and the students suffered for that. Are we destined to make the same mistake again?
I am also upset that Randi Weingarten referred to Kristin Gillibrand as great. Great? This woman is the modern day Annie Oakley. The right-wing N.Y. Post even published my comment about her.
Who will we support in the mayoral race. If we dare to support Mayor Bloomberg for reelection, we will be the laughing stock of the century.