Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our NYC Mayor, A Sociologist is Born

Well, our mayor in New York City is doing research on the poverty problem here. How nice. Has he now become a sociologist?
Let him look to his pals known as the real estate group in this city. They virtually have a stranglehold over tenants. Thanks to these greedy landlords, they are helping to push middle class people out. New York is fast becoming a city for upper or lower class people. The squeeze is on middle class New Yorkers.
During the last increase by the Rent Guidelines Board, the mayor was woefully quiet as tenants got walloped with a 4 1/2 and 8 1/2 percentage increases for renewals on 1-2 year leases respectively. Look what the landlords pushed through. If your lease is expiring and you've lived in your apartment for more than 6 years, the increase is automatically $45.00 or $85.00 depending upon how long you sign for your lease renewal. What a rip-off! How much more can tenants take? It is way past the time for New Yorkers to become members of The United Tenants Party!
Tenants should be made aware that they are entitled to a free paint job every 3 years. This applies to rent controlled tenants as well as rent stabilized people. The landlords are getting away with murder. Too many of our senior citizens are not up to painting their apartments. Others, have to work to pay for the rent and don't have the time to pay. When was the last time that your hallways were painted? When were the fire escapes done? There are rules about this that are routinely forgotten or just ignored.

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