Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Victory for the Landlords

Look how quiet it has become since the Rent Guidelines Board socked it to tenants last week. What a sneaky thing to do with that guaranteed $45 or $85 increase for so called lower-paying tenants.
How much more do tenants have to endure in cockroach infested buildings? No landlord should receive any increase whatsoever if he or she has violations in his or her building.
Both landlords and tenants must be required to open their books for inspection. Increases should not be automatic.
As always, our mayor remains silent in this matter. Is this to placate his real estate cronies?
The city council yells and screams and then is very quiet.
The Rent is Too Damn High Party needs to be replaced with a more vigorous group. Tenants could conceivably form an important voting block in the next mayoral election.
At least there is some good news for tenants. Gov. Paterson has a rent controlled apartment and Joe Bruno, a pro-landlord, anti-tenant State Senator is retiring. It's about time. Remember how Sen. Bruno and former Gov. Pataki were screaming that rent control and rent stabilization were dead in 1998?
Fair market rents? Nonsense. Look what happened in Boston when there was rent deregulation. Within a period of time, rents had to be regulated due to the ever greedy landlord.
By the way, tenants in rent controlled and rent stabilized buildings should take advantage of the law that allows for a free paint job every 3 years. Most tenants don't take advantage of this and our landlords are saving plenty of money.
The time has long gone when we used to read of landlords abandoning their buildings. Nonsense. The real estate market is very lucrative today and our greedy landlords know this. They're still making money despite their protests.
Years ago city workers were asked to have 0% increases in their contracts. Landlords should step up to the plate and do the same.

Dogs in Apartment Buildings

Here we go putting dogs ahead of tenants in apartment buildings. People in buildings don't have to be subjected to barking dogs along with their feces in elevators, stairwells and hallway areas.

It is grossly unfair for a dog to be locked up in an apartment.

Dogs belong in private houses, not apartment buildings. Of course, there should be exceptions. Small dogs and people needing seeing eye dogs should be allowed to continue.

The Terrible NYC School System

Our naive public is being fooled into thinking that the NYC school system is improving. Test scores are supposedly up. Let's get the real score on the system.
Teachers can't wait to retire. Thanks to 55/25 hordes of teachers are leaving the system. Others just quit or transfer to other systems.
Discipline just gets worse and worse. Teachers are routinely blamed for everything. The idea is that they are not motivating the recalcitrants.
It's long overdue that we reestablish the 600 school concept for the unruly. A longer day and longer year are ridiculous. Children run amok through the halls creating havoc. The disruptive child has his own agenda. That agenda is that no one learns anything while he or she is around.
We have supervisors out there who never taught one day in their lives. How can they supervise a teacher fairly? At least teach the subject that you are observing the classroom teacher teach!
Chancellor Klein should commit to teaching in one of our many SURR schools once he leaves the chancellor's position.
How could the UFT have allowed seniority to be done away with? We have teachers teaching over 20 years who have been excessed and now relegated to the substitute status. What an insult this is. You can't grieve a letter? You're back in the trenches supervising cafeterias and monitoring hallways? Teachers are there to teach. Do doctors patrol the corridors of hallways? Do lawyers monitor the corridors of the courts? Of course not. Only teachers are dumped on by uncaring administrators and a mayor who will never understand what a teacher goes through from September until June.
I look forward to replies. To all my fellow teachers still teaching, have a wonderful summer. You've earned it. To all of us who have retired: Thank the Lord that we made it!