Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sociology 101

Sociology 101: What is (are) the role(s) of a community organizer? When are the Democrats going to answer Mayor Giuliani and Gov. Palin? Both of these "gems" insulted community organizers!
I am quite sure that community organizers play a positive role in society. They aid the impoverished, something that the Republican Party shall never understand.
Did you hear that an aide to Sen. McCain stated that 47 million without health insurance isn't so bad? After all, they get treatment in emergency rooms. I hope that he doesn't have to depend upon such treatment. What a moronic statement to make. Look what you're dealing with.
I wonder when the Palin Family will be available to make The Beverly Hillbillies. They would also shine in a repeat of the old Walter Brennan series- "The Real McCoys."

Sarah Should Inherit The Wind

Imagine, Gov. Palin wanted to ban the book "Inherit the Wind" from the libraries in Alaska. She also attempted to have a librarian fired in an attempt to censor the book. Who is she to make herself judge and jury regarding what is and is not to be read?
I really feel sorry for Gov. Palin's children. They need a mother to sit home. The family is dysfunctional. From what I read, there are no academics being stressed here. You don't hear of her children attending college.