Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Charley and Rent Stabilization

While I have always been a proponent of rent control and rent stabilization, what Rep. Charles Rangel has pulled is absolutely ridiculous. For one, how could he use one apartment as a commercial establishment? Doesn't that violate rent rules? I knew a dentist who had an office in a rent controlled building and that apartment was not covered under rent control. This is correct.
By having these apartments, Rep. Rangel was denying other people the right to secure them at the rent stabilization level. This is most unfair. I understand that Rep. Rangel will be facing an ethics probe. Glad to hear that he is giving up the commercial establishment or campaign office.
Mr. Rangel, it may very well be time to join Joe Bruno, an arch foe of rent control and rent stabilization, in retirement.

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