Thursday, September 4, 2008

What Mrs. Palin Reminds Me of

When listening to Gov. Palin's speech last night, I was reminded of my days as a teacher. I had a parent of a student who was involved in this committee and that committee, in the meantime, her child was failing every subject and she used Open School Night to organize parents in the auditorium to condemn the school. She never bothered to meet with teachers to find out why her son was failing.
Gov. Palin has a dysfunctional family. There is no doubt about it. Since she is a Republican, she is virtually getting a free pass about this. Where are her family values? She should be an advocate for sex education being taught in the schools. Had her daughter had this course of study, she might not be in the predicament that she is in now. Folks, could you imagine if a liberal's daughter were pregnant? The right-wing would be screaming up and down about the decline of moral values in this country. What a bunch of phonies they are.
Since she can't control what is occurring in her family, she pursues other activities. Obviously, this is nothing more than a diversion to get away from her own personal problems. Gov. Palin, you need to stay home and work with your children. With Down
Syndrome, your son will need all the love and support he can get. I'm not sexist. I'm realistic.

Come on Giuli!

As always, former N.Y.C. Mayor Rudy Giuliani proved himself to be quite vicious with his key-note address at the Republican convention.
Mayor Giuliani heaped piles of criticism on Sen. Obama for being a neighborhood organizer. Neither he nor Gov. Palin ever bothered to find out what are the functions of such an organizer? Had Giuliani, as mayor, bothered to organize neighborhoods, he would not have left the city with such racial divisions.
While I have often disagreed with Mayor Bloomberg on most issues, you must give him credit for reestablishing ties with various groups.

Sister Sarah Goes to Church

Barack Obama had his Rev. Wright and now Gov. Palin apparently attends some church as well. Seems that Sarah goes to a church where the minister states that Israel and the Jewish people are being punished since they refuse to recognize Jews for Jesus. Who is he to say such things? Jews for Jesus is definitely a deceptive group. Come to the Sheepshead subway station and view how this group tries to fool Russian Jews to come to their "Houses of Worship."
Mrs. Palin, how come you didn't talk about education, the economy and health care in your speech? You know how to read and deliver a speech quite well. You had nothing to say since the Republicans do not traditionally view these topics as relevant to their ultimate goals-doing very little domestically. As a retired teacher, I used to ask my classes to name 3 domestic achievements of any Republican president other than Theodore Roosevelt.