Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thank You Deputy Mayor

It was music to my ears this evening to hear Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheeky state that Mayor Bloomberg will not run for a third term by trying to turn around the term limits law. Thank you. That's the best news I've heard in ages. The people want term limits and I'm glad that Mayor Bloomberg will respect our wishes.
Yes, Mr. Bloomberg is a brilliant person who lacks compassion for the common man. How can he want to give away so much money and yet take the attitude that he does regarding unions? How can he be so involved in health issues especially at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and yet his employees pay their own health insurance?

To All of You Holocaust Deniers Out there

If the Holocaust never occurred, will all you deniers please answer the following question: Where is the Lilienfeld Family of Austria? When the Anschluss took place in March of 1938, they fled to Poland and obviously were never heard from again. Doctors, lawyers and teachers made up this family. They were all wiped out.
And yet some bastards out there claim that the holocaust never occurred. Do you have such a guilty conscience that your way of dealing with this dreadful horror is to deny its very existence? Shame on you.

Let's Hear It for Curtis Sliwa

Finally, something I can agree with regarding what Mr. Sliwa says. He claims that we need more vocational schools. Right on Mr. Sliwa. You correctly stated on channel 1 that not everyone of our youth is academically oriented. You hit in on the head. Thank you.
Now, if you would only stop blaming the UFT for the ills of the school system. When you say the Union of Failed Teachers, I cringe. Teachers don't tell students to misbehave. Our schools are in the shape they're in because of a complete lack of discipline. No one wants to understand this. It's so easy instead to blame the teacher for everything.