Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jesse Dearest

Jesse Jackson's latest comment will just show you how low this guy can really go. Remember his Hymie Town remark? That was quickly forgotten. The man is nothing more than an absolute bigot.
I would have had more respect for Sen. Obama if he would have totally cut ties with the Reverend Jackson.
Is Sen. Obama really talking down to black people when he tells them about paternal responsibility? Methinks not. The senator should be applauded for that. As for Rev. Jackson, he continues the myth of George Kingfish Stevens of Amos and Andy fame. By his actions, he continues the myth of African Americans as shiftless, lazy people. The black community ought to retire the Rev. Jackson from public life. Perhaps, he could write a book or go on a lecture circuit with Louis Farrahkhan. The two of them richly deserve each other.

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