Thursday, August 28, 2008

Karl Rove Does It Again- The Bigoted Stinker that he is

I'm not surprised. It has been reported that Karl Rove telephoned Sen. Joseph Lieberman and asked him to remove his name from consideration for being John McCain's V.P. choice.
Mr. Rove, you're nothing more than a bigot. Infact, you look just like a bigot. You probably belong in 1930s Germany.
By choosing Sen. Lieberman as his running mate, Sen. McCain would show that he is an open person. Naturally, he will probably name some safe choice, especially one who is anti-abortion.
What would the south do regarding Obama and Lieberman? A black person and a Jewish person might be too much for the bigots down there to swallow. Imagine a Biden-Lieberman debate? That would be absolutely fascinating. Unfortunately, it will not happen. If it did, we would all see that the bottom of the tickets are far superior to the people at the top. Dream on Mr. Greenspan. That's why I'm still and will always be so green.

Memory Lapses When Convenient

So, John McCain doesn't know how many homes he has and Mayor Bloomberg can't remember how he voted regarding term limits. Hope they're not getting into the Margaret Thatcher category.
You can be rest assured that the mayor voted for term limits. In this way, he could make it to City Hall even faster.