Friday, June 5, 2009

Yearly Shakedown of Tenants

By the end of the month, tenants in rent stabilized apartments whose leases are expiring will learn how much more they will have to pay in rent as they renew their leases for 1 or 2 years.
Of course, Mayor Bloomberg will come up with his ultimate line: The raises are fair if both landlords and tenants are complaining. What an answer from such an insensitive person. How much longer will the mayor be allowed to appoint a majority of people who favor landlord interests to the board? How stupid we are to allow this to go on and on. Our mayor needs to be defeated for a 3rd term in Novemeber. Another 4 years of him and the city will be ready to float in the toilet.
During this economic downturn, the mayor made money. How come he didn't have the city invest in what he did? If I were to ask him this, I guess he would say that I'm a disgrace. It's a disgrace that this man has had 2 terms as mayor and is on the verge of being elected again.

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