Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey, Hey Randi W

Hey, hey Randi Weingarten, what goodies have you given up today?
In 1977 Marsha Mason was the goodbye girl and in 2009 Randi W. is the give-away-girl.
That photograph where you're embracing mayoral control is outrageous. Ms. Weingarten, are you related to Benedict Arnold? How fortunate you are to have a membership that is gullible enough to keep voting you and unity caucus in each election. No other city union would be dumb enough to do this.
How about endorsing a proposal for you and your unity cronies following term limits? It's really time for a change.
Will you be endorsing Mayor Bloomberg for a 3rd horrible term or will you give Comptroller Thompson a tepid endorsement?
Randi darling, 4 more years of Mayor Mike is 4 more years of Joel Klein.
So, what deal have you cooked up with the mayor and Joel (Clarabelle) Klein?
Schools opened in July and August without air-conditioning and or proper ventilation? How about you, Mulgrew and the rest of the Unity Cast going into our SURR schools and doing such teaching. For the double pensions that you have rewarded yourselves, you can do some teaching. See the joys of teaching disruptive children. Why haven't you demanded for starters that teachers be paid more every time their class registers go over the maximum account? That would start the city thinking. How about suggesting the return of the 600 school concept for unruly pupils? Why should you? You don't have to deal with children whose agenda is that no one learns while they're around.
By the way, since reading and math scores have so greatly improved, there is no longer a need for a longer day and longer year. How come we learned from 9-3, Sept.-June?
Instead of mayoral control, we need a committee of retired teachers and supervisors running the schools. These people know what's going on, not those who never taught one day or who knew how to get out of the classroom as soon as possible.

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