Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lead By Example

To the Certain Queens Supervisor who is harassing her department before school begins: If you are setting forth lesson plan deadlines and other information, it is imperative that you give demonstration lessons to the most difficult classes this year.
How long did you actually teach before you fled to the world of supervision? It is so easy to criticize from afar.
As a supervisor, what are you doing to improve the discipline in the building so that teachers can actually teach?
I hope that you actually taught the subject that you are supervising. No one can fairly evaluate anyone if they haven't taught that particular subject. Could we supervise a brain surgeon?
Let us remember that we have a presidential election this fall. Are you planning on bringing in voting machines to show the students how democracy works?
I hope that you have a good year and actually do creative things other than harass teachers.

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