Friday, August 15, 2008

Did You Know?

How many people are aware of the fact that Randi Weingarten receives a double pension? Does that now become 3 pensions as she has been elected president of the AFT? What a joke. How many people in the union hierarchy receive double pensions? Teachers don't receive double pensions.
How many people are aware that when Rudy Crew left the chancellor's position, he was supposedly given extra time so as to qualify for a New York City pension? Would a teacher ever be granted extra time? Crew and others have horse like pensions, far more than pedagogues who taught for 30+ years. This should all be investigated. Supposedly, Dr. Crew was to do consultant work in order to get in the extra time. People where he was supposed to report to claimed that they never saw him. Big-time rip off.
Police, fire and sanitation workers rightfully receive VSF money added to their pensions. The UFT never bothered to fight for this for the membership. Where have they been? Why is this allowed to go on? If teachers were given this money they're entitled to, their pensions would rise to at least $12,000 per annum. It's a disgrace that the union leadership has not fought for this.
Instead of working for the membership, Ms. Weingarten ran to put Mayor Bloomberg's coat on and sat comfortably next to him at the World Series. Right after that came the horrendous 2005 give-backs.
What will Ms. Randi give up next? Health benefits for retirees? Teachers having to ask permission to use the bathroom? Forfeiture of summer vacation?School year ending June 30th? No more sabbaticals? 40+ in a class? Teachers given no warning of pending u-ratings? Schools opened on High Holy Days? No more grievances whatsoever? Reduction or elimination of prep time in junior and senior high schools? Elimination of the February vacation? Elimination of tenure? Increase tenure to 10 years for probationary teachers? Return to 35 years of service and at least be of age 65 to retire?

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